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Message Board - archive 23

From: tony holland
Email: tony@mojo88.fsnet.co.uk
Subject: Crolla~Holland
Date: 31 August 2005 16:20:35

can anyone please help me find out anything about my grandmother's family.Her name was Mary Crolla and married William Holland her fathers name was Cosmo. Her grndmother may have been called Felice but not certain of that.I do know that they lived in Gun st in ancoats for a while and also Bangor N Wales before moving to S Wales to settle. I know this isn't much to go on but i would appreciate any information at all. thanks Tony Holland


From: eric butterworth
Email: ericbutterworth@tiscali.co.uk
Subject: Panetta family
Date: 30 August 2005 17:31:21

Hello, my mothers name was Maria Panetta and was born in Gun street in ancoats, one of a family of ten, my mother is now 87 years old and the only surviving panetta from ancoats,she would be delighted to hear from anyone who knew her from school ( St Michaels ) or from the old days ,we have some family in Scotland,Canada and Australia, but sadly the history and origins of the family are now becoming vague as time goes on,my grandmother's maiden name was Coletta, who I think originated from Chivittavechia or Cassino, I would like to visit both my Grandfather and Grandmother's birthplace if anyone has any ideas of these two family names. Kindest regards and good luck with your fantastic site. Eric.


From: Kevin Hynes
Email: teesfire@btconnect.com
Subject: Scappaticci
Date: 30 August 2005 07:54:24

My grand mother originated from Santa Padre near Arpino .I am still gathering some information and will be able to contact you later with further details


From: Christine Baron
Email: barobjc@folville.com
Subject: re FREZZA family
Date: 29 August 2005 20:46:50

My grandfather,s name was Carlo Frezza and lived on Blossom St. I was born in Ancoats in 1945 to Maria Frezza and John Bean. I attended St Michaels school and later got married there in 1964.I have fond memories of walking in the Whit walks on the Madonna.I now recide in Canada and was able to obtain a copy of Mr Rea.s book which I really enjoyed .I saw a picture of Grandad Frezza in the book. I would be interested in learning more about the Frezza and Bean families. Christine Baron Ontario Canada


From: Rudi Jaconelli
Email: Jaconelli2@aol.com
Subject: DeFelice, Petrilli, Jaconelli
Date: 29 August 2005 19:20:38

A little more information for your Little Italy site. My mother was born in Bolton 1896, and lived in Ancotes until she was four. Her parents were Michele DeFelice and Filomena Petrilli. Michele came from Colleruta.Picinisco, and Filomena came from Casalviere near Atina, Filomena's parents name was Marsella. My mothers married Alessandro Jaconelli (Alec). I would like to add this to your list of surnames.

Rudi Jaconelli


From: Marie Bonfield
Email: pmbonfield@Qsympatico.ca
Subject: iafrati familt history
Date: 29 August 2005 14:53:40

Dear Tony, May name is Marie Bonfield and I live in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. I was born in Manchester. My parents were also born in Manchester of Italian parents who lived in Ancoats. My Mother's parents were Eugenia Colletta and Anthonio Panetta. My Mother (Rose Panetta)lived on Jersey St and later on Pickford St. My father's parents were Maria (Marietta) Nobia and Marco Iafrati and they lived at number 37 Gun Street. They came from Picinisco,Setti Frati, Arpino, Caserta. My Mother was born in Ancoats November 24th 1914 now deceased. My Father was born in Ancoats March 17th, 1906 and is still alive at 99 years. He still has many memories of Ancoats where he was born and went to school. He left Ancoats when he married my Mother in 1936. We look forward to celebrating his 100th birthday in March. I often wonder if my grandfather Marco Iafrati had any brothers or sisters. I know my grandmother Maria (Nobia) had a brother Ferdinand who died in I think in Rome around 1912/13! . He was chief of police. Would love to hear from anyone who thinks we might be related. I love your website - it is wonderful to read. Although I have been to Italy many times I have never been to the places my relatives came from. One day I hope to do so. God Bless you for all you do. Marie Bonfield.


From: Roy Lees
Email: roylees@techseel.plus.com
Subject: Raffo and Pietra
Date: 23 August 2005 08:00:53

I am trying to research the line of John Raffo , who married Catherina Pietra about 1856/7. A previous message posted by Marion Mcmanus (Marion@mcmanus52.fsnet.co.uk) was also reasearching the same line, but the email address is no longer valid. Has anyone any information on these Raffo's (living at 91 Lever Street, Manchester) or if Marion is still reading these boards please contact me Thanks Roy


From: Becki Hill
Email: nocturne.ocean@btinternet.com
Subject: Coppola
Date: 21 August 2005 15:51:41

Hi, My Father's Grandfather was called Antonio Coppola, we believe settled in Ancoats not sure of dates, but around the 1900's. Would like to know if anyone has any more information on the Coppola family. Thanks Becki


From: Amy Bamber
Email: amyabamber@aol.com
Subject: Biasetti
Date: 12 August 2005 14:53:54

I have been trying without success to trace a Vicente Biasetti who was interned as a POW at Wharf Mill, Bury Lancs around about the end of WW2. I think his family may have lived in the little Italy area of Manchester at that time. He fathered a child (my brother-in-law) whom he wouldn't have known about and who is 60 in October. He was told his Father had been deported back to Italy and that is as much as he knows. He never knew any details as he was brought up by an aunt and uncle and not encouraged to ask for information. Consequently he never searched. He has 3 sons who would love to find out about their Italian ancestry. They have stron Latin looks! Very handsome boys! If anyone is able to help me please contact me. I have tried the Red Cross and the national archives with no success. There don't seem to be any records available. The name Biasetti comes up on a balance sheet of 1938 for the Catholic Society in Ancoats. many thanks


From: Leonard D'Agostino
Email: lendag@sympatico.ca
Subject: Balilla
Date: 02 August 2005 04:59:58

I am 76 years old and writing a Young Adult Novel about a young Scottish Italian boy during World War2. In the late 1930's Mussolini sent an invitation to Italians abroad to send their children to Balilla summer camp in Italy for five pounds. I was one of these children, unaware that the Balilla was a sort of fascist boy scouts. The problem is I don't remember much about it except that the camp was in a beautiful resort on the Adriatic at Cattolica near Rimini and that we marched a lot and viewed propaganda films. Not enough to merit a chapter in my book. Is there any man or woman my age or do you know a relative who attended this camp or a similar one who would be willing to share their knowledge and experiences? All information will be kept confidential. I am just looking for description. Does anyone know of any books or thesis that has been done on the subject? Sincerely Leonard D'Agostino



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